Expand Your Knowledge
We should learn something new every day. Beacon Hill Village members have multiple opportunities to participate in educational lectures, author readings, and discussions which are offered each month. Our educational programs are ever-changing and always stimulating.
And, of course, our members are continually learning from each other through the shared wisdom and experience of other members at informal coffees, meal sharing, and other social events. Affinity Groups are an informal way for members to explore and share information about a specific topic of interest. There is a charge for some events and programs, and many are free.
Conversations With...
Beacon Hill Village presents notables in a relaxed and conversational format. With expertise in a variety of disciplines- science, technology, sports, politics, current events, the arts, pop culture, and more, our speakers are always informative and entertaining.
Conversations With... has presented more than 100 speakers since 2009.
Recent presentations:
- Larry DiCara, former City Councilor
- Miguel Rosales, bridge designer
- Ned Friedman, director of the Arnold Arboretum
- Jen Mergel of the Emerald Necklace Conservancy
Living Well/Ending Well
A signature program in partnership with the Boston Public Library, Living Well/Ending Well provides information to help older adults meet the challenges that come with aging. Lectures by leading experts in their fields are helpful to older adults as well as their friends and family of all ages, and are held monthly on Zoom. Smaller groups also meet, giving members a chance to share their experiences or get more personalized information.
Topics have included:
- Growing older with a positive outlook
- Safety at home
- How to be a savvy patient
- Exercise as a cornerstone of healthy aging
- Choices for Medicare open enrollment including one-on-one counseling
- Falls prevention
Click here to view this year's most recent program recordings.
Beacon Hill Village | 74 Joy Street | Boston 02114 | BeaconHillVillage.org | 617-723-9713 | [email protected]